Sunday, October 4, 2009

Top 64 Old TV Shows Bracket

We have a winner in the final match-up of the top 64 "old" TV Shows.  This show beat all competition, including M*A*S*H in the finals (but that was a close 7-5 vote). 

The best show as voted by the participants of the top 64 bracket?!?.... 

THE THREE STOOGES!!  (all six of them!)

You've seen an NCAA Basketball pool? Field of 64 teams? Well, I was talking with some people recently about some of the old TV shows that we watched growing up. I found this website which brought back a lot of memories, and I put together the field of 64 TV shows Bracket. These were shows that I watched growing up thru the 1970's, so, no Seinfeld, etc...

Going to take one round at a time, by color group on the chart above, in a head-to-head competition. I'll post on here as each round begins and ends (a few days each round). So, let me know which shows you think win each specific "battle" (no going ahead to future rounds!), I'll just post the total vote counts for each match-up. I picked the 64 shows, but the color groupings and match-ups were random. If you click on each show name inside the chart, you should see a page with info about each show, to help you remember! Jump into any round you want, there's no right answers, and no prize. The more the merrier!